Friday 21 October 2016

Accounts in KVS

F. Accounts (3)– KVS/ 2015-16/                                               Date: 25.09.2016
To                                                                                     SUBMISSION-3
The Commissioner                                                                e-mail only
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan                                               MOST URGENT Pl.
Headquarter. New Delhi.

Sub.: Shifting from Tally to Shala Darpan.
Ref.: KVS HQ Letter No. 1-2/2015-KVS (JC-Fin) dated 06.04.2016 and further KVS RO Direction and our letter dated 07.04.2016 kept replied.

          In the ongoing process of rapid changes in accounting process of KVS I would like to draw your kind attention towards its rapidness and unscientific approach. It is really sorry to state that once KVS has implemented Tally ERP.9 in 2013 and was running smoothly unto 2015 why the sudden change again from Tally to Shala Darpan is being done in case of Financial Module. Above all, I would like to draw your kind attention the fact that NO MODULE of ACCOUNTS can achieve its ultimate Goal unless tried off line mode. Still today the speed which Shala Darpan required for uploading of data is not reached and regions like Dehradoon, Jammu, Silchar, Tinsukia and Guwahati would be the worst sufferers.
          It is earnestly requested volte-face decision taken by KVS for forced imposing of Shala Darpan mode of accounting procedure through online mode and KEVINTSA would suggest continuing with Tally ERP 9, which is being operated, off-line mode and did not required active online rather than Shala Darpan which needs active online with high range of specified speed.
          An early decision may please be taken on the issue, please. KEVINTSA is putting its fingers cross over the issue and humbly submitted to take the issue to the forth coming JCM, if remain unresolved.
                                                                               Yours faithfully


                                                                             GENERAL SECRETARY

F. Accounts (2)– KVS/ 2015-16/                                               Date: 05.07.2016
The Commissioner                                                 e-mail only
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan                                MOST URGENT Pl.
Headquarter. New Delhi.

Sub.: Transfer from Tally to Shala Darpan.
Ref.: KVS HQ Letter No. 1-2/2015-KVS (JC-Fin) dated 06.04.2016 and further KVS RO Direction and our letter dated 07.04.2016 kept replied.

          Most respectfully this is to submit a few lines in reference to the above subject and to state  
1.   that the same matter has been raised to your kind-self vide our office letter dated 06.06.2016 but no solution has been suggested from Accounts Section or any other section of KVS. KVS is functioning since 1963 and UDC/Assistants are maintaining the Accounts on Hard Copy till date. KVS since 2014 suddenly started Tally ERP 9. But no proper training was imparted amongst staff members.
2.   that after your honour’s assuming the apex post of KVS, in the month of MAY 2015, on the very first meeting dated 13.05.2015 your honour appreciated our concern over non-imparting of proper training. Your honour directed the concerned Officers and thus the training was imparted to the UDCs/Assistants across the length and breadth of country.
3.   that again now KVS with the recommendation of BOG launched Project “Shala Darpan”. It seems “A Piece of Cake” has been developed tough mode by KVS. Every next day the KVs of Kolkata Region is getting a mail for completion of financial module on Shala Darpan and submission of Trial Balance. But ironically on asking how to do the financial module same the reply comes through you tube video teaching. Without imparting proper training it is feared that this module will the same fate of tally. Secondly, it is also not clear that why KVS Kolkata Region is only been hassled for giving Trial Balance which seems a tough task to tackle up without proper training. May I have the honour to draw your kind notice towards the issue and detail the main reasons of our concern over the issue-

a.       When a UDC is appointed in KVS his academic qualification is asked only Graduate with 03 years’ experience as LDC. Will it not be unfair enough to direct a simple graduate (barring Commerce Graduate) to write a Cash Book and prepare Annual Accounts – Only by the dint of pressure? The work distribution in DOPT is also not allowing the same.

B. When training on Tally ERP 9 has just completed by March 2016, why this Shala Darpan Financial Module is been forced by only Region to its UDC/Assistant without imparting any comprehensive training. It is advised to allow the tally to run through out the year and in between please arrange proper comprehensive training for proper implementation of Shala Darpan.

c. Tally ERP 9 is operative office line mode and being used across the world. Now, when our staff members has started trying their hands on tally from 1st April 2016, now, at this point of time Shala Darpan has created confusions to core.
d. Shala Darpan Module cannot be used simultaneously. When Data Entry Operator appointed by MGRM is working on Students’ profile etc. financial module on the same id cannot be opened. So, it is not clear which work is more important to be performed during school hours.
e. KVs located in far-flunged areas mostly North Eastern region are the worst sufferer. Will it be too impractical to worry about the fate of such online modules implemented in KVs in those areas where .25mbps to .60mbps is maximum receivable speed and Shala Darpan is a MUST.

Sir, it is humbly submitted that if KVS is really sincere in proper implementation of Financial Module please arrange the proper training on Accounts to all the newly recruited UDCs (about 500 new recruitee or promote across the country) and then a comprehensive training on Shala Darpan Financial Module. As this is an important issue of Accounts and on national basis implementation everybody need to take calculative patience and systematic step for its proper implementation. Rest too much of experiments would create all mess. Secondly, if the Shala Darpan Module could be developed off-line mode, alike tally ERP.9, it seems to have much more creative and concrete.
          Hope your kind self would agree with the views of KEVINTSA and issue necessary instructions to the competent authority across the country to ease the matter.
                                                                                Yours faithfully


                                                                             GENERAL SECRETARY

F. Accounts (2)– KVS/ 2015-16/                                               Date: 06.06.2016
The Commissioner                                                 e-mail only
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan                                MOST URGENT Pl.
Headquarter. New Delhi.

Sub.: Transfer from Tally to Shala Darpan.
Ref.: KVS HQ Letter No. 1-2/2015-KVS (JC-Fin) dated 06.04.2016 and further KVS RO Direction and our letter dated 07.04.2016 kept replied.

          On the above subject this is to draw your kind notice that
1.   As your honour is aware of the fact that KVS has introduced ERP Tally w.e.f 2015. Accordingly after scores of requests made from KEVINTSA, KVS has arranged training on Tally to all the UDCs during 2015 across the country by spending lakhs from Government exchequer. By the month of March 2016 Tally training has been completed. The cash book for the year 2015-16 has been converted from Manual Mode to Tally for the year 2015-16. Accordingly all KVs are now started writing Cash Book on Tally for the year 2016-17.
2.   Now, vide letter under reference KVS has requisitioned output on Shala Darpan during April 2016. At first it was presumed that that might have misprint but on telephonic conversion with Deputy Commissioner(Fin) , KVS HQ who has issued the letter, it was learnt that “Shala Darpan” will be used but not instantly as the financial mode is still under trial.
3.   KVS has started “Shala Darpan” from 2014-15 but since inception only Principals and Teachers especially PGT (Computer Science) has been imparted training on the modules of “Fee Collection” and Shala Darpan. Inspire of scores of letters written to KVS from KEVINTSA no response has been made on our request to allot pass word to access “Shala Darpan”.
4.   Now, KVS RO Kolkata has issued a letter in reference to KVS HQ instruction asking following points
A. Whether ID & Password for SES received through e-mail/SMS.
B.Whether finance module is opened and voucher entry is made and approved.
C.Whether DEO's optimum utilisation of service is being taken.
D.Whether Assistant/UDC/LDC is accepting this new environment of keeping school accounts.
E.Problems faced by your staff in this field.
F. If the module is run successfully, whether all the related results through the "View" option is reflected and acceptable.

As already stated that the financial has never been shown to any office personnel and now enquiry has been made from the Principals about its features. In turn Principals are directing UDCs to comply with the financial module. The following are the problems faced
a.   Although not accessed “Shala Darpan” but as per the information received from from the Principals, it has come to the notice that Shala Darpan need internet connection to access. That would be the greatest problem during the forthcoming rainy season and to NER areas where internet access is very poor. 4G connections seems to be the good option for access to Shala Darpan and remote localities did not have more than 2G or 3G connectivity. Tally seems to be far better mode to maintain cash book as it need not require any internet connection.
b.   All the Assistants/UDCs need to be supplied with separate pass word to access “Shala Darpan” otherwise liability to complete module should not be imposed upon the UDCs/Assistants.
c.    Comprehensive training exclusively to UDCs is very essential failing which it is feared that the module would not reach its finality. This sudden hasty change from Tally to Shala Darpan has already created confusion across the country.
Hope the above points will be looked into with due gravity before reaching to any decision.
                                                                   Yours faithfully


                                                                           General Secretary
Copy for information to:
1.   Deputy Commissioner (Fin), KVS HQ, New Delhi.
2.   Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO, Kolkata.
3.   Regional Secretaries, All Region, KVS.

                                                                           General Secretary

F. Accounts – KVS/ 2015-16/                                          Date: 07.04.2016
Shri S.Muthusivam,                                                      e-mail only
Deputy Commissioner(Fin)                                             MOST URGENT Pl.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Headquarter. New Delhi.
Sub.: Excessive impractical hasty changes in KVS – Request to enlighten.
Ref.: KVS HQ Letter No. 1-2/2015-KVS (JC-Fin) dated 06.04.2016.

          After going through the above circular it is not clear on the issue that weather Tally ERP 9 has to be discontinuing henceforth or not from the Accounting history of KVS. Is KVS planning to implement this Shala Darpan with some fresh design or notes apart from Tally?
          Sir, if that would be the case that after imparting regressive training on Tally ERP 9 and spending thousands and lakhs money out of Government Exchequer, if one fine morning some Shala Darpan is imposed in supersession to Tally ERP 9, we would be constrained to lodge strong displeasure  note to this issue and protest to the matter. After scores of letters and discussion with all levels of KVS Officers, KVS has tried to complete Tally Training during 2015. After tough effort, last year, i.e. during 2015 we have tried our hands on Tally.  But now this circular has infused perplexities in the minds of entire clerical section across the country posted in KVS. KVS has denied giving password to UDCs/ Assistants to access Shala Darpan but wants works from them which is sheer irrational and impractical as well.
Sir, as your honour is aware of the fact that everything in excess is opposed to even to the nature. Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit.
It is humbly submitted that kindly enlighten us on the issue so that decision may be arrived on the issue for the same. We are putting our fingers cross for a reply from your end.
                                                                   Yours faithfully


                                                                           General Secretary   

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